President Joe Biden’s campaign theme and cute alliterative crutch when presenting his spending plans has been “Build Back Better.” While a catchy phrase, what does it really mean? What does he want to build back from? A booming economy? An improved pre-COVID restriction employment situation? Improved Middle Eastern relations? US energy self-sufficiency? Or, is Biden opening the nation to become vulnerable to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset?
If one looks at Democrat policies and Biden’s actions over the past few years, you will find:
Open borders policies are paramount for the Great Reset, which calls upon the Northern Western Culture-dominated nations to allow any and all developing world migrants.
Excessive spending requires the printing of money, thereby weakening the dollar (the world’s standard currency, which the Great Resetters need to force their policies worldwide).
The breaking of the supply chain and high inflation
“Stimulus” packages designed to discourage people from going back to work and becoming dependent on the government are meant to change attitudes toward employment and entrepreneurship, opening more people to the idea of a Great Reset. One could also add the Universal Basic Income campaign promises.
Continued efforts to disarm citizens of western nations will handcuff those willing to fight against a Great Reset and authoritarian policies.
While these are only a few examples, our panel from the London Center for Policy Research delve deeply into whether or not Biden’s policies may be a collective means to open the US up to The Great Reset.
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Thought to Action is presented by the London Center for Policy Research