The Biden Administration is now plainly admitting that their energy plan is in official transition: transition from our reliable fossil fuels and transportation into an electrified digital world of ride share and self driving automobiles.
Once again, the Marcusian-inspired administration has taken the path of the World Economic Forum and has turned to the now familiar game of “there is a crisis and we must change now” rhetoric that everyone should be well aware of.
But this pseudo crisis was born at a time when the elites were having their own crisis of a massive drop in trust of the citizens that they wish to control. This lack of trust means that there will be no easy convincing of the millions of people that live in the United States. So their answer to this dilemma is the same as their answers in the past 2 years: start another religion. Make the sacrifice and crushing economic hardship a virtuous religious exercise for the common good accompanied with devils and angels and all of the other trappings of religious faith. Make the people feel good about destroying their own economic system – give them a reason to suffer – and give them a reason to punish those that resist.
But the reasons behind this transition are not the plainly on display to those who are under the consequential rule and subjugation of the ruling tyrants; there is another game afoot. That game, just like every other play that the left has unfolded over the past few years, is based on power and control.
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