#Bitcoin #Greatreset #Fightclub
Disclaimer: this is only entertainment.
There’s a lot of discussion regarding the topic of the great reset. The most popular great reset is proposed by the World Economic Forum where they mentioned, “you will own nothing and you will be happy, digital IDs for everyone!” Digi IDs can be linked to social credit scores, CBDCs, and even jab passports. While their ideas appear noble, they are a bit overreaching hence, a great cataclysm is required to implement the objectives of the …New Word Order. Therefore, the great reset must first occur. The question remains, how?
Are you ancient enough to recall the movie fight club and the objective of the anarchist terrorist group led by Tyler Durden? They wanted to destroy all of the servers that held credit and deeds to the property and reset the world back to zero in an anarchist society. That is one form of a great reset where independent bad actors monkey-wrench the system.
Still, elected officials can reset the system as well. Right now global leaders are entertaining the idea of world war three with nuclear weapons. This would cause great destruction, damage to infrastructure, and another way of a great reset. There’s always the BLIP. cyber attack, EMP attack, this leaves infrastructure and buildings standing but electronics and communications are destroyed. Yet another way of a great reset.
There’s always robot apocalypse zombie apocalypse what have you, anything that brings a temporary loss of law and order can be used to trigger a great reset. Simply put, a great reset puts everything back to zero economically and from a sovereign perspective as well, as every nation-state will fall.
What is the advantage of this? Anarchy sucks I was in Iraq when it fell. We were deployed as part of the counter-insurgency task force to keep the peace in the lack of Iraq’s formal military and police force presence. It was madness, fires, mass-scale violence, abandoned babies crying, and total lawlessness. What happened there can happen anywhere.
The moment that you call 911 and no one picks up the phone and people know that there are no police coming to rescue them it will be anarchy. All the folks in The Walking Dead that preyed on other living people because it was anarchy. The lack of order and society brings out the worst in people. This is per design as the people will purge each other while the wealthy wait it out underground.
There are luxury bunkers around the world where wealthy people can hide out in preparation for global anarchy. Hollywood drops hints in the purge where citizens more or less got to murder one another during a night of unbridled anarchy.
After this time this tribulation as it’s mentioned in the Bible, the people will demand and welcome some form of law and order. Anything will do at this point. Shout out to the police even the ones that arrested me you all keep us in a civil society. Shout out to my Sunday school teacher Jeff who debated the rise of totalitarianism in America with me as a child.
This new order, new world government need not be democratic or even benevolent. Remember people don’t want freedom they want safety and security, shout out lefty Liberals! And they will forfeit those freedoms after the great reset to obtain the notion of security. You may even give up control of your money. Unless you have Bitcoin.
What will you use for money? If you don’t have Bitcoin, you will most likely use a controlled CBDC. As the Bible so eloquently describes CBDCs will be used with the mark of the beast. it could be implanted in your person either on your left hand or in your forehead, sounding a lot like NeuroLink. shout out to Elon Musk. After the great reset, all currencies will fail along with world governments.
Still, there will be only one thing that will survive the great reset and that is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is truly decentralized. Unlike Ethereum which heavily depends on AWS. Bitcoin is kept alive on millions of computers around the world. If you fry all the servers there still will be some record of the Bitcoin blockchain alive. Even if they are paper records. Bitcoin will never die and it will always be used to fight tyranny.
Bitcoin is peer to peer. This means you can send it privately and directly to anyone without any third party for any goods and services. You don’t need PayPal, cash app strike, or any third party to send Bitcoin. You could use radio waves if you really had to.
Bitcoin is independent and that is how we fight any form of tyranny to retain our independence. UPGRADE AMERICA, this is not a game to reset.
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