Episode 83: The Great Reset Part 2
Summary: The Great Reset agenda is being implemented today, and a dark and sinister spiritual motive is behind it! We continue to explore the mystery behind what appears to be an attempt at utopia on earth but is instead an attempt to bring about the global governmental stage for the antichrist.
Scripture References:
All Scripture references cited from the King James Version Bible
Genesis 6:1-13, Gen
esis 10:6-12, Genesis 11:5-9, Revelation 13:1-7, Daniel 7:1-8,
Daniel 7:21-28, Revelation 6:1-8
Don’t be fooled by the promise of utopia. The Satanic global elite is behind the Great Reset and they have planned every step of what is occurring today. Nations will surrender their sovereignty to a coming dark leader who will bring only chaos and destruction!
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